среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

asbest or verwijdering

Maybe someday Iapos;ll share that poem with you
but for now you get....a school update

So this is my current idol:

His name is Buster�Keaton and if you donapos;t like him, I blame it on the fact that you know nothing.
He is a filmmaker and a genius and yes, Iapos;m addicted to his stuff (what else is new?)
Good news is, being a film major, I�can use this obsession to my advantage.
I have 4 projects upcoming and 3 of them Iapos;m actually *gasp* looking forward to doing.
The one Iapos;m not looking forward to doing is because I havenapos;t gotten around to doing it, its a hard class, uber hard marker, stupid requirements, Iapos;m not a partier, the list of reasons I donapos;t appreciate the "Local Music" assignment is seemingly endless (Pop Culture Theory)
Next up, and due on Monday which I have yet to commence still is a group project for Film Research Methods and its an editting assignment. Its the closest Iapos;ve gotten to filmmaking so far in my course. Weapos;re all given 20 pictures (all the groups get the same pictures) and we have to edit them (place them in whichever order) with dubbed sound (no music :() to create different stories. Weapos;re doing that tonight.
Then thereapos;s the two papers. Canadian Film paper isnapos;t due until late November but Iapos;ve gotten a head start and picked a film so obscure and so perfect is absolutely a lightning strike like Iapos;ve never had before. (Its a Buster Keaton film) More on that some other time.
Last thereapos;s the Film History paper (Film history is my favourite class, I donapos;t think Iapos;ll be perturbed by any of the assignments) in which we have to choose a subject from the silent film era (duh duh duh...oh, I�forgot to mention above that Buster Keaton was a silent film maker, HEE) he gave us 4 possible topics (BK�wasnapos;t among them) but said if we had a personal interest in something else (I�repeat, hee) we could come up to him about it. Iapos;ve already got my film, I�havenapos;t seen it yet, but its his masterpiece so...this sounds lame, but Iapos;m saving it..like as in, Iapos;m watching all his shorts first and then Iapos;ll go for the feature.

Anyways, sorry about blathering on about my school stuff.
I will go back to researching the local music scene (slams head on desk)


bed and breakfast susanville, asbest or verwijdering, asbest or verwijderen, asbest kellerabdichtung, asbest.

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